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Download title Date Author Version Downloads Comments Rating
membership form 14.08.23 gerryb -- 213 0 --
membership form Adult Reg.
Team Registration 06.08.22 gerryb -- 612 0 --
Team Registration Team
Registration Form 06.08.22 gerryb -- 462 0 --
Registration Form Juniors
Season Guide 2023-2024 29.09.23 gerryb -- 229 0 --
Season Guide 2023-2024 guide
swoop rules 09.06.23 gerryb -- 188 0 --
swoop rules rules
swoop score sheet 09.06.23 gerryb -- 185 0 --
swoop score sheet swoop
Qualifier 2023 17.12.22 gerryb -- 313 0 --
Qualifier 2023 dates
Charity Events
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BPA Rules 13.07.18 John Clavey -- 2105 0 --
BPA Rules BPA Rules
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Most Downloaded: BPA Rules [ 2105 ]
Most Recent: Season Guide 2023-2024 [ 229 ]